A Long-expected Party

Gandalf arrives in the Shire for Bilbo's Farewell Birthday Party. Bilbo leaves the Shire permanently.

Absolutely, I'd be glad to assist with this. Here are 100 Linux commands or topics that you might want to include in your series:

  1. ls - List directory contents
  2. cd - Change directory
  3. pwd - Print working directory
  4. touch - Create an empty file
  5. mkdir - Create directory
  6. rm - Remove files/directories
  7. rmdir - Remove empty directories
  8. cp - Copy files/directories
  9. mv - Move or rename files
  10. find - Search for files in a directory hierarchy
  11. cat - Concatenate and print files
  12. less - View file content page by page
  13. head - Output the first part of files
  14. tail - Output the last part of files
  15. grep - Print lines matching a pattern
  16. wc - Print newline, word, and byte counts for files
  17. sort - Sort lines in text files
  18. cut - Remove sections from lines of files
  19. tr - Translate or delete characters
  20. awk - Pattern scanning and processing language
  21. sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text
  22. nano - Simple text editor
  23. vi/vim - Advanced text editor
  24. emacs - Extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor
  25. diff - Compare files line by line
  26. patch - Apply a diff file to an original
  27. chmod - Change file permissions
  28. chown - Change file owner and group
  29. umask - Set file mode creation mask
  30. file - Determine file type
  31. du - Estimate file and directory space usage
  32. df - Report file system disk space usage
  33. tar - Archive utility
  34. gzip - Compress or expand files
  35. zip/unzip - Package and compress (archive) files
  36. bzip2 - Block-sorting file compressor
  37. xz - Compress or decompress .xz and .lzma files
  38. top - Display Linux processes
  39. htop - Interactive process viewer
  40. ps - Report a snapshot of the current processes
  41. bg - Send to background
  42. fg - Send to foreground
  43. kill - Send signal to a process
  44. ssh - OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program)
  45. scp - Secure copy (remote file copy program)
  46. rsync - Remote file copy (Synchronize file trees)
  47. wget - Non-interactive network downloader
  48. curl - Transfer a URL
  49. ping - Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
  50. netstat - Network statistics
  51. ifconfig - Display or manipulate network settings
  52. iwconfig - Configure a wireless network interface
  53. firewall-cmd - Command-line client to interact with firewalld
  54. iptables - Administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT
  55. crontab - Schedule periodic background jobs
  56. at - Schedule tasks to be executed once
  57. systemd/systemctl - System and service manager
  58. journalctl - Query the systemd journal
  59. hostname - Show or